Tuesday, October 20, 2009

The Beijing Tiandi Theatre Acrobatic Show

Friday, 18 September, 2009
The Beijing Tiandi Theater Acrobatic Show

We went to The Beijing Tiandi Theater to catch the 5.30pm acrobatic show before our dinner.

According to Beijing Guide, the performers are from the China National Acrobatic Troupe which was the first national performing arts troupe established by the Central Government of China. This troupe is one of the best in China and it has won 18 gold medals on various international acrobatic competitions.

We were allocated "green" seats on the left hand side of the theater for the 1.5 hours show.

Photographs are not allowed to be taken during the performance...

...but you can view photos of the programme from website of Tiandi Theatre and at The China Guide.

After the show, some members of the troupe went around the theater to sell recordings of their performances at RMB10.00 a piece.

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