Thursday, October 22, 2009

The Forbidden City 紫禁城/故宫

Sunday 20 September 2009

Shenwumen which means "Gate of Divine Prowess" is one of the entrances to the The Forbidden City.
Right across this entrance is a man made hill, "Jing Shan or Coal Hill". It was built up with soil excavated from the construction site of the Imperial Palace.

We did not visit "Jing Shan Park" but Christy, our local guide told us that the last of the Ming emperors, Chongzheng, hanged himself on a tree in that park during a peasant revolt in 1644.

You can read about its history and view images of the park and the said tree at BeijingGuide2008.

What's inside "The Forbidden City"?

A clearer view of the floor plan of The Forbidden City seen in the above photograph.

You can read its history on Wikipedia and find out the name and the function of each area on World Visit Guide.

The communication room.

Empress Dowager Cixi was the first woman in China to own a telephone.

The emperor's sitting room. A place to read and write?

And many many fengshui enhancing artifacts.This huge crystal is placed outside the emperor’s room. Possibly to enhance love and harmony in his life?

Look at this copper urn. What do you think it was once used for?

You can see many smaller ones placed along its corridors.

The answer: They were used for storing water for fighting fire, just in case of a breakout. During winter, fire were lighted up below the urns to thaw the ice.

The Hall of Supreme Harmony
You can see many fengshui enhancing artifacts in The Forbidden City.

Following are slideshows my friend created with photos of his visit to The Forbidden City.
The Forbidden City 故宫/紫禁城
View more documents from teh K K.
They Are Beautiful (The Forbidden City/紫禁城/故宫 pt2)
View more documents from teh K K.

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